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FEARLESS VISION: A guide to courage and creative freedom for women in street photography

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Are you ready to change the way you do street photography and claim your Fearless Vision?

As a street photographer, you need confidence more than anything else. Confidence is one of the most essential skills in your toolkit, and it's a skill that many street photographers - both new and seasoned - often struggle with.

You need confidence to walk the streets and freeze moments in time, you need confidence to get really close to your subjects without fear or hesitation, you need confidence to share your work with the world. You need confidence so you can believe in your art. 

In this book and workbook in one, I'm going to reveal my own journey toward confidence, and I'm going to teach you everything I have learned about the art of photographer's confidence: how to build it, how to nurture and maintain it, and how to use it to make deeper photographs (because I believe photographs are not taken, they are made).

I'm going to share with you 10 building blocks of photographer's confidence, and give you practical tips on how to cultivate them in your own life and work. The exercises at the end of each chapter will help you implement everything you have learned and put it into practice right away.

This book will help you thrive, no matter where you are on your photography journey. Maybe street photography is just a hobby for you, maybe you aspire to become a full-time photographer, and maybe you already are one. Your professional status is irrelevant. The only thing you need is your love for street photography, and the desire to make photographs with joy and confidence.

This book and workbook in one is going to help you:

  • Walk the streets with confidence
  • Get close to your subjects without fear or hesitation
  • Claim your voice and make deeper photographs

I'm going to walk you through:
  • 10 content-rich chapters and creative building blocks that will change the way you do street photography
  • 10 powerful exercises that will guide you to connect with your creativity.

Let's get started!
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